30 July 2011

Final pictures for my sister

It is my last day with my family, I am off to Warsaw tomorrow and flying out to NYC on Monday morning. Here are the last pictures I made for my sister.

This was made out of a large circular calendar. My sister like the poem which was printed inside so I covered the calendar part to make this picture:This is a shadow picture made out of a canvas box:


  1. Ale ładne obrazki widzą u mnie na ścianie, zdolną mam siostrę!!!!!

  2. Obrazki może i widzą, ale ja tego nie widzę, one sobie spokojnie wiszą oczywiście!

  3. Wracaj, jeszcze mam sporo pustych ścian!!!!!

  4. These are stunning. I might assign a wall for you in my house!
