I arrived in Poland a week ago and it was such a great surprise for my parents, they nearly had to pinch themselves to believe that it was me. My Dad opened the door, went silent and then called my Mum saying there was someone at the door for her. They were both stunned but very happy, my Mum had to ring her sister straight away to tell her and my Dad was telling everyone he met next morning when he went to buy some bread. They said it was a surprise of a life time so it was worth the effort.
It has been quite cool since I arrived, around +3 degrees during the day but it is quite mild for this time of the year. It looks like we won't have white Christmas this year as snow is not predicted for a while yet.

A photo taken while we went for a walk with my sister.

My sister during the walk.

A little chapel in the forest, quite traditional for this region of Poland.