PS zwyciezyl rozsadek i blog Kuby zostal przywrocony, hurrrraa.
25 November 2011
Nie ma bloga mojego kolegi Kuby
Niestety dowiedzialam sie dzisiaj, ze blog Kuby, o ktorym pisalam ponizej, zostal usuniety przez administratora po tym jak ktos anonimowy doniosl, ze Kuba ma tylko 9 lat i nie moze miec bloga. Niestety, reguly mowia, ze bloga mozna miec dopiero od 13 lat ale nie wiem jak dorosle osoby moga byc tak wredne i zawistne, zeby donosic na 9-cio letnie dziecko, ktore dzieli sie swoim talentem i kreatywnoscia z innymi blogowiczami. Szczegolnie, ze blog powstawal pod okiem i nadzorem Jego Mamy, ktora trzymala reke na pulsie. Kuba mial niesamowita rzesze wielbicieli i teraz na pewno bedzie tez im bardzo przykro, tak jak mnie. Mam nadzieje, za Mama Kuby zalozy bloga i bedzie cytowala zapiski Kuby o tym co on tworzy. Ja osobiscie chce ogladac wiecej prac artystycznych Kuby i czytac te wspaniale napisane przez niego relacje artystyczne i troche osobiste.
19 November 2011
Exchange with Kuba from Poland
Through blogging I recently got to know Kuba, an amazing 9 year old Polish boy whose creativity is astonishing. Here is a link to his blog so you can check it out for yourself.
Kuba is on a good way to follow in the footsteps of Tim Holtz, who said the following about Kuba when I wrote to Tim about him: "thanks for sharing this link kasha - i know about cuba and have sent him an email in the past. a very creative little guy. thanks. tim"
Kuba has agreed to do an exchange with me and I posted the package to him today. It is a surprise what we prepared for this exchange so now we have to wait. Kuba - the package (below) it's on its way.

Wymiana z Kuba z Polski.
Kube poznalam przez Jego bloga. Jest on niesamowitym 9-cio letnim chlopcem, ktorego kreatywnosc jest zaskakujaca. Tu jest linka do jego bloga, zebyscie mogli przekonac sie sami.
Kuba jest na dobrej drodze, zeby zostac Timem Holtzem, ktory po tym jak do niego napisalam powiedzial o Kubie: "Dziekuje Kasia za podzielenie sie ta linka, znam Kube i wyslalem mu maila w przeszlosci. Jest on bardzo kreatywnym chlopcem. Dziekuje. Tim"
Kuba zgodzil sie na wymiane ze mna i dzisiaj wyslalam mu pakiet. Jest to niespodzianka co przygotowalismy na wymiane wiec teraz pozostaje nam tylko czekanie. Kuba - pakiet (powyzej) jest juz w drodze.
15 November 2011
Carved stamps
Finally I had a go at stamp carving, I wanted to do this for ages but never got around to it. Below are my efforts; I searched for inspiration on the net and some ideas were from my friend Margaret (sadly she doesn't have a blog). I also used some art books for ideas. This is soooo much fun, the only reason I stopped was that I ran out of rubber but more is on its way, lol.
Painted picture
This is a picture I did recently, a friend who took an online class shared this technique with me. It took a lot of steps to achieve the final result.
This is how it started:

After some painting:

More painting and stenciling:

Some stamping added:

Covered with medium:

Final result after applying matt varnish:
Journal for Gaye
I made this small journal recently for my friend Gaye. I experimented with the inside pages and used dies to cut out images or words for more interest. Here are the results:
Projekt Zeszyt - Journal Project
Recently I took part in my first Polish exchange organised by Michelle, it was called "Projekt Zeszyt" which loosely translated means "Journal Project". It had 50 participants who all send 50 journal pages (undecorated) to Michelle and she bound it into a journal ready for your journaling.
This is how it was wrapped:

Journal with some inside pages:
It was fun, thank you Michelle and all participants.
Birthday pages for Princess Judy and Princess Marilena
The Paper Princesses celebrated Princess Judy and Princess Marilena's birthdays recently. For an art present I decided to alter a desk calendar so that they can have a rotating piece of art to display. I made two pages for each Princess.
These are my two pages for Marilena:
And these are the two pages for Judy:

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