While in Hong Kong we encountered a typhoon which, while did not pose any danger to us, made us very, very bored for a day as we were confined to a small hotel room for most of the day. Luckily the day before the typhoon came we met for lunch with Lyn, the local girl and sister of Marlene, who told us about the warning system and what it all meant.
When we got up the next morning we received under our door some information from the hotel telling us that the typhoon was coming and to check the level of warnings in the reception. By the time we finished our breakfast the warning was T8 which meant all locals were to go home immediately as the public transport would stop within an hour time. Thank God we knew that from Lyn as otherwise we would have ventured somewhere given that outside it was still quite calm.
We did some walking around the hotel, went for coffee, watched TV, drank lots of cups of tea, read books and then started to feel very confined to the room. It was then that I decided we needed something "creative" to do and I managed to talk Beata into going outside to a small corner store which happened to be open. We bought some paper, markers, circle templates, scissors and magazines and on the return to the hotel I ordered manual activities. What fun - we felt like back in primary school but it gave us something to do. Below are our creations.

I enjoyed drawing circles and colouring them in
Beata did cutting out of magazines for my future collage creations
When sitting in the hotel, which was pretty sheltered from wind, we did not think the typhoon was powerful at all until we got out the next day and saw quite a bit of damage including huge trees being taken out of the ground with the root and many branches being broken. We were lucky that we didn't fly out on that day as many flights were cancelled and I know that poor Jackie was affected by it and had her travel very delayed on her return from watching her son performing at the Olympics (well done Matt for coming 21st in show jumping).
Another fun activity was shopping, particularly shopping for craft items. This was my 3rd trip to Hong Kong and many craft items were purchased before so this time I concentrated on beads, charms and little gem stones. Below are some of the treasures I found.