28 July 2008
27 July 2008
Cairns holidays
Enjoying BBQ dinner at our resort
Pre-dinner drinks at the Yorkies Knot Boat Club

15 July 2008
Collaborative book project
These were the pages with the above background and they were done for Louise who chose "Christmas" as her theme - these were the most challenging pages for me as I don't do much Christmas art. I enjoyed using my Cricut for the lettering and also other touches on the page.
These pages were done for Ness who chose "Wings" as her theme - it had to be birds for me but funnily enough it was still a challenge as it came down to not being able to decide which bird images (of thousands I have) I should use (lol).
For those who know Jane won't be surprised that her theme was "Wanton Women", I didn't really know what to do for this page but I managed to find this little poem on the net and I thought it was appropriate to use.
My own book was on "Paris" but I need to scan all the pages so perhaps I can do it in my next post.
My sister has been here for the last week and we are having such fun. Sadly I have to go to work every day but from next week I am on 2 weeks holidays. On Sunday we are off to Cairns for a week and the following week we will spend on the Gold Coast.
06 July 2008
Another card with the quilted background

Only 2 more sleeps until my sister arrives here from Poland on Tuesday and, as you can imagiene, I am so excited about it. I will be having some time off work while she is here and we will be going to Cairns, Gold Coast and Hong Kong on her way back home.