26 March 2009

Captain UnderPants and other fun at the retreat

Here is the Captain UnderPants, Jen Crossley extraordinaire! You can read the history of Jen becoming Captain UnderPants on her blog, she explained it well there. It was loads of fun which no doubt you can see on the photos below.

Jen waiting for "Captain Underpants" to be called out

and there she comes to the rescue!

Jen also showed us how she danced in the 70s.

and as you can see, some people were crying from laughter, it was hilarious.

Jen was a bit tired after her performances, lol.

Here you can see the backs of unsuspecting Greta and Jen who had some messages placed on them. Greta's message said: "There is no one in the world like me" while Jen's was: "You are never alone and always loved"

Jen, Gaye Todd and I doing some "pole dancing".
The retreat was an excellent experience in all accounts. It was so great to catch up with old friends and meet new people. Classes were superb and organisation top class, Bevlea and her helpers (Eva and Lucy) have outdone themselves. I wasn't going to go to the retreat next year but decided I couldn't stay away so I AM GOING in 2010! I fully recommend the retreat to you, it is worth every cent, you can check it out here what's on offer next year.

Catching up at the retreat

The retreat was a great chance to catch up with friends and to meet new people. I was a bit slack with taking photos but below are a few I had on my camera.

With lovely Jackie who kindly collected us from the Melbourne airport - thank you Jackie!

My drinking Buddy Debbi Baker

Next day with Debbi, before a class

With Gaye and Jo Wholohan

The lovely and very talented Nic Hohn

My new friend Deb

Classes at the retreat

I did one class with DJ Pettit and what an awesome teacher she was. She is so talented and explains everything in easy terms. We did Found Fragments and Collage piece during the day.

With DJ
Work in progress - my painting before adding the ink outlines

The finished painting - the whole piece is not finished yet, I need to mount it all together

Unfortunately I didn't get to do any classes with Bernie Berlin (in the middle) but we interacted with her quite a bit during meal and spare times, she is a gorgeous and fun person

In the class with Stephanie Lee, I did 2 classes with her

This is the piece I completed after the 2 classes - the pendant was made on the first day and the chain on the next. I have learnt some wonderful techniques and can't wait to continue having fun with my butane torch and solder!

Leaving for the retreat

I managed to get ready for the retreat in time and not to overpack, like to the last retreat I went to. This time I was more experienced and knew what was good take and what to leave behind.

Celeste, Gaye and me ready to leave for the airport

These are the 49 houses I made for the retreat swap

These are the houses I got in return as part of the retreat house swap. I now have to figure out how to display them.

Canvas made for Marek's 50th birthday

My Polish friend Marek has turned 50 on 11 March and as part of his present I made him this canvas of his family - himself, his wife Karen, kids - Adash and Emmie, and three cute poodles - Mini, Piccola and Juni.

11 March 2009

Creations for my sister's birthday

My sister's birthday is coming on 21 March (the first day of spring in Poland) and I made her some jewelry pieces which are shown below. I hope she will like them.

The bracelet has a picture of her son in it when he was little.

And this is her canvas card alà Claudine Hellmuth

Jewelry making and Creative Soul Retreat

I have recently been enjoying learning how to make jewelry properly at the Bead with Me shop. Robyn, the owner of the shop, is the best teacher I ever had - she is patient and explains it all so simply that everyone can follow easily. I finally have learnt how to do loops, twists, crimps etc. These skills will come very handy at the upcoming Creative Soul Retreat organised by the wonderful Bevlea Ross. This will be my second retreat but I must say that Belvea has superior organisational skills and I am sure this will be the best experience ever! I am so looking forward to 2 classes with Stephanie Lee, the author of the Semi Precious Salvage and 1 class with DJ Pettitt. I am leaving on Friday morning - yippee, can't wait.